Girls Need You Project 2022

First launched in 2019, we set out to raise $10,000. With the support of fellow Alberta businesses and from you, we were able to meet that goal and provide over 100 kits to women and girls in Kenya.

So what’s happened since then?

Here’s an update:

Now What?

We have to keep going! We use the momentum we’ve gained over the past 2 years and keep raising money for this cause. Because we’ve been able to move manufacturing in-house and can now employee 22 full time local Kenyan women, every dollar fundraised goes further, providing more kits than we ever could before!

*Please note that the “A Better World Canada” website is 100% volunteer operated and does not get updated frequently. Because of this, it does not accurately reflect the total dollar amount that has been raised.

Want to get involved? Help us spread the word about this fundraiser by sharing this blog post with your friends, donating through the link below, or stopping in to any of the local participating businesses.

You can save these images to use on your social media too!

Jenna ChalaturnykComment